Ancient Aliens Complete Season 2 PaCK-BLUEPLANET
Unearthly visitations... Heavenly messengers... Close encounters... Accounts of humans interacting by celestial beings have existed since the beginning of mankind. Many of these encounters resulted in abstract, philosophical and artistic inspirations. But did these contacts lead to ethereal beings from heaven or extraterrestrials from other worlds? Are holy books the word of God, or guidebooks passed into disfavor by more advanced civilizations? Who told Joan of Arc by what mode to defeat the English Army--saints or extraterrestrials? Could a young boy from India have learned advanced mathematical formulas from a Hindu goddess? What message did an American serviceman receive at the same time that touching an alien aircraft? If the Ancient astronaut rationale is correct, then are beings from other worlds communicating through us for our benefit... or theirs? Just the sort of is the purpose of these unconnected contacts?
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